Montag, Dezember 7, 2015, 19:27 - GENUA
Beitrag von sb_admin
genova L1010809
Donnerstag, Dezember 3, 2015, 19:26 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin

... avec les paroles de Joann Sfar: 
Samstag, November 14, 2015, 19:09 - PARIS
Beitrag von sb_admin

... et quelques réactions:


If you think prayers are religion, you're fucking moron.


Those "cartoonists" at Charlie Hebdo just don't know when to shut up. You fueled the fire back in January, innocent people died. This time around....which is again based on the cartoon that came out of Charlie Hebdo back in January....more undeserving people died. And you Mr. Sfar, representing Charlie Hebdo have the audacity to tell people who they can and cannot pray for? The people at Charlie Hebdo haven't quite washed their hands from the bloody carnage from January and now this? You are arrogant AND stupid! This massacre is because of CHARLIE HEBDO!


SAD the way u think. Yes Paris is a great place to remember and visit or if u live there is fine. but asking not to pray for all those ppl familys that has been destroyed...where is your mind? in your cartoons?


A cartoon by Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Joann Sfar!!! the cartoon has just spoke my mind!!! praying for paris is like trying to cure burnt wound by pouring boiling water!!!


This is how you thank the people who actually care enough to pray for the safety of you and your countrymen? Shame on you!


Ferðin heim - smásögur úr Árneshreppi 
Mittwoch, Oktober 21, 2015, 22:02 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin

"Ferðin heim - smásögur úr Árneshreppi" / brot úr myndinni from Profilm on Vimeo.


Dienstag, Oktober 20, 2015, 18:03 - ÜBRIGES ITALIEN
Beitrag von sb_admin
pse L1010428
Donnerstag, Oktober 15, 2015, 18:44 - ÜBRIGES ITALIEN
Beitrag von sb_admin
vendemmia L1010268
Mittwoch, Oktober 7, 2015, 11:28 - ÜBRIGES ITALIEN
Beitrag von sb_admin
Sport und Musik. 
Freitag, September 4, 2015, 15:35 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
Fussball-EM-Qualifikation Holland - Island vom 03.09.2015.
Die Underdogs aus dem Norden fügen den Oranjes die erste Heimniederlage in einem EM-Qualifikationsspiel seit 52 Jahren zu.

Etwa zur gleichen Zeit wie das Fussballspiel in Holland: Saisoneröffnungskonzert (Mozart, Rossini, Verdi) im grandiosen, vollbesetzten Opernhaus HARPA (Link: in Reykjavik.
Unvermittelt unterbricht der isländische Sänger Kristinn Sigmundsson das Konzert des Sinfonieorchesters und erklärt dem Publikum, gerade sei beim EM-Qualifikationsspiel Holland-Island (dank Birkir) ein Penalty für die isländische Mannschaft gepfiffen worden. Gylfi Þór macht das Tor, und in der HARPA bricht ohrenbetäubender Jubel aus. Orchester, Sänger und Publikum verfolgen das Spiel auf ihren elektronischen Geräten - das Konzert wird erst nach dem endgültig feststehenden Sieg Islands fortgeführt.
A bored summer employee? 
Dienstag, August 25, 2015, 21:38 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
A disgruntled staff member?
Black Icelandic humor?
We will probably never know.
This was reported today from THE ICELAND WEATHER REPORT on facebook:

Too funny: a package of ground beef was found in the meat section at Krónan in Mosfellsbær. The label reads as follows:

100% ground steer beef
Fat content 10-90%

110% Icelandic ground steer beef from a Danish pig or a mountain lamb that was raised in Bulgaria but moved to Spain in its senior years.

The meat has been kept in frozen storage in Australia, Pakistan, Holland and elsewhere.

Contains: 50% cow meat and 50% potato filament.


(And the picture text):

Not worth a Krona - don't pay!
Dienstag, Juli 28, 2015, 21:04 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
Þingeyri DSC_1724

kaldalón L1002779

gjögur DSC_1977


öfeigsfjördur DSC_2004

djúpavík DSC_2156

djúpavík DSC_2254


vatnsleysuströnd DSC_2339

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